Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Write a short 4 page analysis paper

Complete the Analysis Paper paying close attention to the guidelines listed in the template attached, make sure to use citations from the book with page numbers included. Example: (Friedman, 2011, 27)

Papers should be typed using Times New Roman font size 12 and double spaced. Please include a title page with your name, date and the title of your Unit , Analysis Paper. The body of your paper must be at least 4 typed pages and include the following sections:

CENTRAL THEME – What is the central theme of The State of Citizen Participation in America by Hindy Lauer Schachter and Kaifeng Yang, This section of the paper may not exceed one typewritten page.

RELEVANCE – Relate the concepts found in The State of Citizen Participation in America and the book That Used to be Us by Thomas Friedman & Michael Mandelbaum.

PUBLIC AFFAIRS IMPLICATIONS – Public affairs is understood by the Hauptmann School of Public Affairs to be the field of study which shows the interrelationships between the activities of government (on all its levels) with other elements of the social and economic systems. How has reading The State of Citizen Participation in America affected your understanding of public affairs?

Original work only, please use citations from the book included in the analysis (very important to have proper citations). Include reference list! Only take the job if you can complete on time and follow template.

Thank you

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