Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Answer the question below

Answer all questions posed. If you must quote material do so judiciously. You may post weblinks but they must come from legitimate sources; no Wikipedia links–go to the source.

Questions: Choose one of the 30 human rights and explain this right in plain English after reading the human rights reading and watching the human rights video 1,human rights video 2. Do you think the chosen human right is accepted post-1948? Explain and back up your assertion by using one news source.

Please be aware you must use established journalism sites. Newspapers of record are considered authoritative sources because of their large circulation, established editorial practices, and journalistic professionalism (i.e. The New York Times). Wire services, or news agencies, are considered to be neutral sources because those news sites just report the facts. The following chart is helpful guide for you to navigate the treacherous waters in these days of “Fake News.”

Writing Homework Help

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