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Writing Homework Help. The Socialist Challenge The Socialist Challenge

Read The Socialist Challenge: Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/socchal13….

Read War is the Health of the State Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/zinnwarhea…

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Study Guide: The Socialist Challenge

1. Child labor was common at the turn of the century. Describe these conditions and refer to the primary sources.

2. Explore the governments role in the labor movement.

3. Describe the IWW and its goals in the US. Who supported the IWW and who was opposed?

4. How did race, skill and gender affect union organization?

5. What laws protected workers? What laws undermined workers?

6. Who was Eugene Debs and what was his vision for working Americans?

7. What was the 19th Amendment? What groups supported the amendment? What groups opposed it?

8. Describe the NAACP and its founding. What were its goals?

9. How did President Roosevelt respond to the challenges facing the nation? What motivated his actions?

10. Describe events in Ludlow Colorado. How did the government respond?


1) What was the role of the US during World War I? Who did they support? Why did the US decide to enter the war?

2) What advantages did the US see to getting involved in World War I? How did entering the war serve the interests of the US at the time?

3) Who was W.E.B. DuBois? What were the ideas he is most known for? What did he believe Blacks of the time should strive for? What was his reasoning? Why did he believe this?

4) How did citizens see World War I? Were they eager to volunteer for the war? Why or why not? Did citizens support the war effort in general? What evidence does the author provide for this?

5) What was the Espionage Act? What purpose did it serve? What was the government responding to when it passed the legislation?

6) What was the American Protective League? Why was it created? What purpose did it serve? Who were the members of the APL?

7) How did radicals see the war? Were unions supportive or against the war? What evidence did the text offer to support this?

8) What was the IWW? What were their goals? How did they see the war? Did they agree with the US decision to enter the war? Were they in favor of the war?

9) How did the government respond to those who resisted the war effort? What reforms did the government make in the hopes of dealing with resistance?

10) What was the role of the FBI according to the text? What is the role of the Department of Homeland Security? How are they similar or different from one another?

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