Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. 2 page- Business SWOT and break-even point analysis report

For this assignment, need 2 pages analysis of SWOT and break even point analysis. Answer the questions (see attached file)

I am responsible for financial management in assignment 3, and I have adopted two analysis methods (SWOT Analysis and Break-even point Analysis) for the financial management of our project. Our project is to open a pub on Park Street in Boston. The other members of the team have done the preliminary work. They have already written their part of the report and put it in the file. I will paste it below and take a look at what they have written before starting.

Assignment requirements: According to the results of the SWOT analysis and Break-even point analysis I have done, answer and analyze the following questions. I will attach a picture file to find out the questions that need to be analyzed. No need to write market , Only need to write financial. The analysis response of SWOT analysis and the analysis response of break-even point need to be divided into two parts to be carried out independently. SWOT I suggest to look at the pdf signed SWOT file I attached below to understand what SWOT analysis is before writing. In addition to answering the questions requested in the pdf, you also need to roughly talk about our strength, weakness, and opportunity with the other three competitors. , Threat relationship and pros and cons, how should we use our strengths to improve our weaknesses so that we can make money faster.

Break-even point analysis I suggest to take a look at what break-even point analysis does and then start writing. This is relatively simple and you can directly Google it. Then use my results to answer and analyze the questions in the picture, and I need to explain the reasons for some of the data I modified (I will put the modified data items and reasons below, and I need to add them to the analysis to explain them at the time), and finally Give some systematic suggestions.

You need to discuss the results of SWOT and break even in the manager report, and attach the pictures to the end, 3 pages are enough, the simpler the word, the better! And don’t use complicated grammar and sentence patterns, simple and clear, just clarify the problem.

Modified data and reason: The general reason for modifying the data is to find various reasons to reduce fix costs so as to reach the earlier break-even point and make money faster. I will put the picture before the data modification below and after the modification Make a comparison, and then tell you where and why. These pictures do not need to be put in the report (the market cost in the after change will be two more than the before, which is done by the market part of my team member, no need to explain)

Employees:1. Salesman’s budget changed from 67,500 to 45,000, because through Goole’s own research, it was found that Boston’s average was 45,000, so a positive revision was made.2.due to small size of business, we also believe we can reduce our office assistants number from 1 to 0.5 and executive salaries number from 0.5 to 0.25. And leading both budget to 12000. 3.we also believe we will require less consultants.from 5000 to 3000.4. Office assistant in employee, salary increase in salesmen salaries and executive salaries, Fy-2 from 1.11 To 1.1 (1.1 means increase10 second year) & Fy-3 from 1.2 to 1.1 (1.1 means increase10 % third year). (The specific reason can be written by the writer, as long as it makes sense, combined with the pub and the epidemic environment), but the consultants are both fy-2 and fy-3. The reason I saw in the instructional video is “we aren’t ‘t quite as attached to our consultants, however, so they get no salary increase.”

Utilities, Supplies and other: 1.leasing of cars, computers,etc from 8000 to 2000
2.heat, light, phone from7000 to 2000
3.insurance from 7000 to 5000
4.all fy-2 (1.11) & fy-3 (1.2) change to 1
I changed the reason for this change according to the instructional video. I directly put the reason stated in the instructional video below. After reading the reason, I summarized it and added some explanation or more analysis, and then explained the root change. Reason: Moving on, let’s look at our utilities and supplies. It’s up to the owner whatsupplies we want to lease. In real life, leasing can be somewhat of anextravagance due to depreciation. So if I want to keep costs to a minimum, that’s a good place to start. Let’s say that instead of leasing cars for transport, Iwork out a deal with the distributor to use their own, and in the process, reducemy costs to only $2,000.
Since our rented property is quite small, maybe we can also reduce our heatingcosts to $2,000. We are particularly careful with our product, so maybeinsurance can reduce to $5,000 as well. As with the previous section, thepayment increases are a bit too high for our tastes. To keep things simple, I will assume a flat no increase for all sections over the next two years.
We can’t control depreciation, but the changes we made should be sufficient fornow. Our marketing costs were already changed in the How to Play tutorial, sowe will leave them the same. For the payment increase, however, we can reduceit to a flat 10% for both years

.-Market cost:1.all fly-2 & fy-3 change to 1.1 The reason needs to be compiled by the writer, and I have said it in a sentence-Rent: First of all, we assume that there will be no rent growth in the next two years. The reason can be said to be due to the impact of the epidemic on the market and economy1. The payment changed from 5000 to 14000, because the source data is wrong. According to the survey I did, the rent near park street is 60-80 dollars per ft square, 200 flat, so I took the median value of 70. 14000 out.2. Both fy-2 & fy-3 have become 1. Because of the impact of the epidemic on the economy and the market, there will be no rent changes in the next 2 years

-debt:1. The bank of American amount changed from 40,000 to 30,000. I changed it casually because I think it’s more than 40,000, and 30,000 is enough. Writers can just say what they mean based on the results.2. The interest rate has changed from 10% to 5%, because the real interest rate is between 3%-7%, so I took 5%

6.Tax:-profit percentage: From 35% to 25%. Reason: According to my own survey: For taxes, the current rate is 19.5% plus federal and local. Altogether,this ends up working out to about 25%.Before the financial management data was modified, that is, when the fixed cost was not reduced, the calculated break even point was around 11 months. After the reduction, it only took more than 3 4 months, and there were results in my analysis.

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