Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Outline the main reasons why English has become a global language, and discuss the extent to which this has led to the extinction of minority languages. Use examples to illustrate your answer.

Word Length900 words (reference information is NOT included in the word


AimTo write an annotated bibliography relating to three sources relevant to this essay question.


The annotated bibliography must include the following 2 sources:

  • The Future of English? by David Graddol
  • English as a Global Language; Threat or Opportunity for Minority Languages? By Afsaneh Majidi

This source can be downloaded from Minerva or free from: https://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/sites/default/files/attachments/books-the-future-of-english.pdf.

Available on Minerva or as a PDF file from: http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/1267/1296

You should also find 1 additional source which is relevant to the assignment title, and which would also provide useful information relating to the essay question.

N.B.**You must not use any sources which we have covered in class or sources which are part of the reading list for the assessed seminar discussion. It is your responsibility to check this**.


Write out the full reference for each source accurately, in alphabetical order, in accordance with the Harvard referencing style found on the skills@library webpages. Writing the reference accurately is part of the task with marks awarded accordingly.

Write a summary and evaluation of each source which should include the following information:

  • What type of resource is this (academic/journalistic, book/article/news clip) and who is the intended audience? Is it up-to-date? Is it reliable?Any (relevant) information about the author?
  • What is the main focus of the source?
  • In what ways is the source useful in answering the essay question? To what extent is it relevant, and why? Here you can consider whether it provides a general overview or describes one aspect of the topic and even which part of the essay question it might help you write. For example, does it examine the main factors leading to the globalisation of English or does it focus on (a) specific endangered language(s)?

Write out the full reference for each source accurately, in accordance with the Leeds University Harvard referencing style found on the skills@library webpages. Make sure your references are in alphabetical order. Writing the reference accurately is part of the task with marks awarded accordingly.


There is no specified word limit for the reflection task. On completion of your annotated bibliography, you should write a reflection on how difficult/easy you found it, which skills you feel were tested, and what you think you need to work on to make this type of task easier in future. You should submit this within 24 hours of completing the annotated bibliography via the turnitin tool in ‘Submit my Work’ folder of the ELU0033 area on Minerva.

The annotated bibliography with reflection is worth 20% of your mark for this module.

Please refer to the assessment criteria on Minerva.

Please use double spacing and 12 point font.

Writing Homework Help

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