Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Is the American Dream Still a Reality?


I need help writing this essay ” Is the American Dream Still a Reality?”

Things to know: I am a female, 50 years old and immigrant. Just to give u a hint in case you need to know from what perspective to write.

This is the prompt for the assignment:

Step 1

Read the following prompt:

Several of the readings in our textbook (“RIP, the Middle Class: 1946-2013,” “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold?,” and “What’s Killing Poor White Women?,” among others) have discussed the demise of the American Dream. After reading these authors, do you believe the American Dream is dead? Or do you agree with some of the authors that argue that it is still alive? Is the Dream lingering on its last legs now or is it as strong as ever? Take a stand and argue why you believe the American Dream is either still a possibility for most Americans or why it is no longer a realistic aspiration. Cite at least two of the texts used in class and at least one outside source to support your argument (if you wish, you may use an essay from the book tat we didn’t read).

Please note that I have attached 3 texts from the book “They Say, I Say” You can use the 3 of them or any suitable 2 of them for writing this essay. Also, the additional outside source is up to you to search and use.

Step 2

How to Structure Your Essay:

Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)

Your introduction should address the following questions:

  • What is your stand? Is the American Dream still a reality? Is it on its last legs?
  • Was it ever a possibility for some people (consider certain ethnic minorities, people of color, and women, for instance)?
  • Which author do you believe provides the most convincing argument for his or her viewpoint?

In your introduction, you could briefly explain what the American Dream is, what you have learned about it in our readings in class and your own research, and even discuss your own experience (to a limited extent).

The stand you take on this issue will comprise your argument.

Body (3-4 paragraphs)

Your body paragraphs should do the following:

  • Discuss your specific claims. Each claim should be discussed in a separate paragraph. What reasons do you have for feeling the way you do? Which text(s) or author(s) are you basing your beliefs on?
  • What specific evidence do you provide to back your argument and claims? Make sure you provide specific examples from the class readings.
  • Include your opponents’ counterarguments (perhaps one of the authors that disagree with you) in one of your body paragraphs. (This is the 4th body paragraph and should only contain 2 counter arguments )

Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)

Your conclusion should wrap everything up. In order to do this, consider addressing the following questions:

  • What do you believe the future holds for our country?
  • Can the American Dream ever become a reality again (if it ever was) for most people? If so, what needs to happen?
  • What role do our political leaders need to take? What specific reforms or laws do they need to enact?

Consider these and other possibilities and end your paper on a strong note.

Please note that I am giving 3 pages for the essay and a 4th page for referances only.

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