Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Psychology and English composition


Deadly Sleep


Describe the nature of sleep, sleep disorders, and their treatment

Assignment Overview

This case study assignment allows you to read case studies on sleeping incidents and explore their understanding by answering questions.


Write your answers to the questions in double spaced, 12-point font. To receive the full 25 points, make sure your responses are thoughtfully considered and written in complete sentences.

Step 1 Access the readings.

REM Madness and Murderous Dreams

Step 2 Complete the questions.

Answer the questions at the end of each reading.


From your readings in Chapter 2, what makes neurons so special? What characteristics do they have that separate them from other cells? Are neurons found in any other part of the human body?


APA Format


Describe APA style and when it should be used

Assignment Overview

In this exercise, you explore the APA format of writing.


Answers to exercise questions

Step 1 Prepare reference entries.

Basically write an APA formatted Reference page using the following sources. You can use the links in the lesson for help and also go here:



Arrange the finished entries in alphabetical order, not numbered:

A journal article titled “Networking the Classroom” by Christopher Conte. The article appears in volume 5 of CQ Researcher, a journal that pages issues continuously throughout each annual volume. Volume 5 is dated 2004. The article runs from page 923 to page 943.

A government document you consulted on November 12, 2005, over the Internet. The author is the National Center for Education Statistics, an agency within the United States Department of Education. The title of the document is Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and Classrooms.

A book called Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children’s Minds For Better and Worse, written by Jane M. Healy and published in 2000 by Simon & Schuster in New York.

An article in the October 9, 2004, issue of the magazine The Nation titled ” The Threat to the Net.” The article is by Jeff Chester and appears on pages 6 to 7 of the magazine. You found it through Polk Library at Southeast State University on November 14, 2005, using the database Expanded Academic ASAP from the service InfoTrac.

A pamphlet titled Bridging the Digital Divide, with no named author. It was published in 2005 by the ALA in Chicago.

An article titled ” MyPyramid.gov: Achieving E-Health for All?” The website is sponsored by the Benton Foundation. The article is by Andy Carvin and is dated February 22, 2005. You found it on November 10, 2005.

An e-mail interview you conducted with Mary McArthur on October 31, 2005.


Step 1 Research the writing styles.
Using course materials and in the Internet, research three or more articles that exhibit different writing styles. Use the following to guide your research:

Identify articles that represent the three different disciplines: Humanities, Social Sciences, Applied and Natural Science.

How does the author’s writing style shift depending on their subject matter and audience?

Step 2 Respond to the following questions and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:

Q1 – Compare and contrast the three disciplines. Are they interested in the same topics? Do they value the same types of evidence?

Q2 – Are the articles organized in similar ways? Are there any distinctions in the length or complexity of sentences and paragraphs?

Q3 – Do the articles use images, charts, graphs, and other visual elements?

*Please use APA form, no plagiarism and each point in separate document. Thanks,

Writing Homework Help

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