Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Why is Tom Petty historically significant as a rock and roll artist?

Assignment: (I’m choosing Tom Petty as my artist)

Paper :

Here is your chance to champion one of your favorite
artists. Choose a rock artist (solo artist or group) whom you believe is important,
but who is not represented on the syllabus or in your listening assignments,
and write a 6-8 page research paper arguing why he/she/they should be included
in a history of rock music class. Your thesis should be something like, “The
work of Artist A is historically significant because of X, Y, and Z”. You may
consider the following questions as you organize your ideas: what is special
about this artist’s music or career?  How
did the artist reflect or affect the culture of their time? What musical influences
are evident in the artist’s work, and how has the artist in turn influenced
other performers? What roles have technology, the economy, and the state of the
music industry played in the artist’s career? Do not use these questions as an
organizational crutch, and do not simply write a bio of your artist. Let the
logic of your thesis organize your writing.

Be sure to properly document your research: papers submitted without proper citations
will receive a zero
. Your sources should be varied and in-depth and should
include few (if any) non-academic internet sites such as wikipedia.com,
rollingstone.com and the like, although newspapers and magazines are sometimes
good sources for popular music research. Please use Chicago style citation (if
you are rusty, check out this website: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html).

Please also include a separate page with a list of
works cited at the end of your paper.

This paper is due Thursday, February 23. No extensions will be granted. Late papers
will be accepted up to one week after the due date, but your grade will be
lowered one increment (i.e. B to B-) for each day late. Do NOT submit papers
via email; if you must turn in a paper late, bring it to the Blair receptionist
to have it time stamped and place it in my mailbox. Important: the Blair office
is open M-F 9am-5pm only, which means that anything finished after 5pm will be
an additional day late. Please do not tack papers onto or slide papers under my
office door. Papers turned in more than one week late will not be accepted and
a zero will be given for the assignment.

Writing Homework Help

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