Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Discuss a topic in-depth that is relevant to social work with service members/veterans (for example, traumatic brain injury (TBI), military sexual trauma (MST), etc.). Include a literature review and implications for practice and policy.

The paper should be 10 pages not including the references and cover page and all references must be cited in APA format. A minimum of TWO citations must be from the course’s bibliography. Please utilize at least two from the references below plus additional resources. A minimum of 6 references are essential. The topic is Military Sexual trauma (MST). The paper entails conducting a Literature Review and you will include implications for practice and policy. This paper is for Graduate Social Work School and for a Military Course. Please make sure grammar and spelling are reviewed as well as writing Mastery level work.

Bahraini, N., Brenner, L., Harwood, J., Homaifar, B., Ladley-O’Brien, S., Filley, C., Kelly, J., & Adler, L.. (2009). Utility of the trauma symptom inventory for the assessment of post-traumatic stress symptoms in Veterans with a history of psychological trauma and/or brain injury. Military Medicine, 174(10), 1005-9.

Bell, M., & Reardon, A. (2011). Experiences of sexual harassment and sexual assault in the military among OEF/OIF veterans: Implications for health care providers. Social Work In Health Care,50(1), 34-50.

Bragin, M. (2004). The uses of aggression: Healing the wounds of war and violence in a community context. In B. Sklarew, S. Twemlow & S. Wilkinson (Eds.),Analysts in the trenches: Streets, schools, war zones (pp. 169-194). Mahwah: Analytic Press.

Writing Homework Help

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