Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Fixing External and internal analysis

Firs thing I will attach the external analysis you need to fix the following:

1- you need to add more citations in the MOBILE TECHNOLOGY SECTION. cuz you put nothing.

2- under social media:

what tech is used in the adjusting industry.

what type of customer relationship management exists and what is the impact.

Need more details on tech.

On tha last part of the CURRENT RATE of UNEMPLOYMENT :

From what perspective are they buying home?

All this for external analysis.

now is internal analysis.

Under CORE VALUE AND MISSION STATEMENT you need to fix the following:

1- is this what you are recommending?

2- what are the 8 components of the mission statement?

3- how does this rate

This for the internal analysis

Please see the attached files and follow the instructions.

Internal analysis

Writing Homework Help

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