Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Use this outline to write five paragraph


My Career Field What is a career Field? A career field is an occupational standpoint which means the job or sum of jobs that an individual may hold during their lifetime.It also comes with decision making on the area of the career an individual has passion for. Before choosing a career field ,an individual has to have a passion for that particular career field for the goal to be achieved. A career field also reflects on the kind of job or a college major as a valuable component of a lifelong process. We are successful in our career field because of the passion, and this helps us to deliver well on the part we choose. My plan was to be a nurse practitioner , but my plan changed when I was instructed by God to go to Bible school for knowledge of God. Even though I have a passion for impacting people’s lives and also work for God , I never thought of attending a Bible school. I applied to Regent University where I chose a career field which is Biblical and Geological Studies for me to know more about my creator and to have more knowledge about the scripture. There are three things I would like to do with this area of my choice. A. My goal is to impact many people’s lives all over the world by proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus christ . B.My goal is to impact the poor and the orphanages and the widowers` live by providing their needs and helping the children into school for them to have a better life. C. My goal is to build a christian school for the children for them to grow up knowing the way to eternity. These three are the impacts I want to have in people’s lives although they are still many impacts that are mentioned in the outline. The scripture states that “And he commanded us to preach unto the people , and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the judge of quick and dead”.(Act 10 vs 42). Inclusion, it is important to follow God Will and his purpose for my life, and it is also important to achieve it for me to be able to impact people’s livesall over the world. Therefore, I believe that doing my career in Biblical and Geological studies will help me in future to achieve my goal.

Work Cited The Holy Bible International Version,2002.

Writing Homework Help

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