Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Summarize 2 different articles and explain the author’s purpose including specific details

There are several articles in the Module for April 14-20. All of them offer examinations of ideas about nature, wilderness, expectations of experiences in nature, climate change, etc. Open each one, and skim / scroll to see what they’re about. Choose two that interest you, and read them in detail.

2 articles listed below:



In two separate posts to this discussion (one for each article you choose)

1. Summarize the article by describing what it is about, and what the author’s purpose is in writing it. Include enough detail that I’m convinced you read all of the available text, i.e., don’t merely guess from the images or videos. About 1 paragraph.

2. Quote from the text of the article twice and briefly analyze the quotes by addressing some or all of the following: what new terms, ideas or facts are learned or presented; how does the quote contribute to the unique argument or purpose of that article; why was it especially intriguing to you?

3. Identify whether and how the article makes a connection to the materials we’ve been reading, or the ideas we’ve been considering this semester thus far. About 1 short paragraph.

  • For example,
    • even though these are written in the last few years, do you recognize any claims that sound “vitalist,” or “materialist,” or which suggest that beings are interrelated or that we are individualistic, or which discuss a kind of “ethic”?
    • do you see anything that suggests the opposite? Or, do you see any indicators of people living in “ignorance,” as Spinoza discussed? What habits of prejudice or poor thinking about nature, or our relationship to it, are being corrected or challenged by the article? Are there critiques of “addiction” to technology?
    • if you honestly just liked the article, but don’t think it pertains to our materials (with the exception of them being about nature), then just offer your thoughts about how the article inspired or challenged your ideas about nature, wilderness, expectations of experiences in nature, etc.

4. Engage one of your peers. You only have to do this once, by the way. Just find someone’s post that interests you or challenges your thinking about one of the articles, and explain how or why. Try to connect on a textual basis. You’ll earn points here by commenting on the text of an article, or adding more perspective from another place in the text, NOT by being overly complimentary or merely “agreeing.”

Writing Homework Help

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