Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. three problems in education k 12

1- I need to utilize the Horace Mann text and address three problems in education today. I am looking for a minimum six-paragraph essay with an introduction, a paragraph summarizing the problems that Mann had with education, three additional paragraphs, a conclusion, and also a works cited page.

2- should reach four to five pages not including the works cited.

3- I attached an article and I need tow additional outside worksite

Here I need to write on my assay :

You can discuss the problems in Mann’s time such as political, moral, and religious education and how these problems still exist today; however, please be aware that these ideas are too broad for your essay. For example, physical education, today, breaks down into three categories: exercise, nutrition, and sexual education—it is impossible to write a paragraph on physical education alone; therefore, you might want to focus on funding for phys. ed. programs, or obesity caused by school cafeteria food, or lack of nutritional studies. Also, moral and religious education are simply too broad; therefore, if you want to assess these problems today, you will have to narrow down the topic.



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