Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ​Research Design _ fact I am using a survey

Research Design

As mentioned above, the research adopted a quantitative approach as a method of this study. This design requires the use of numerical values to make inferences about the population. Quantitative design is appropriate when the research objective is to quantify the proportions that can be generalized to represent the entire population. Furthermore, the quantitative design will eliminate the need for subjective judgment on the data (Muijs, 2010).

Survey research will be used for this study which will utilize primary data collected from a population. The sampling frame will be identified and used for this research. A representative sample survey presents the cost-effective and practical way of obtaining information about the dataset. A survey will also quickly generate the required data and eliminate the need for a census (Muijs, 2010; Williams, 2007).


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Resources must be taken from books related to questionnaire design.

APA style formatting 7th edition must be followed.

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At least 4 different references need to use.

I have attached a book will help how to cite using APA 7 edition in case

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