Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Writing Essay-01

Total word count: 600, need to use these three link readings, no outside resources needed.


This assignment performs a dual function. First, it allows us to do some synthesis muscle-building. Being able to synthesize information is a crucial skill in our modern world. With so much information available and easily accessible, we need to be able to sift through it efficiently and pull out what is important and useful to us, as well as evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

Secondly, this work allows us to see what issues are significant to others in our “discourse community.” We are intellectual contributors to the conversations in this community, enlivening this community and helping to produce new knowledge.

Task, or Assignment Instructions

Synthesize the points of view of

1. Rony Swennen https://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2008-06/can-fruit-be-saved (from Dan Koeppel’s article),

2. Elizabeth Henderson (from this link: https://www.chelseagreen.com/2014/food-justice/),

3. Winona LaDukehttps://orionmagazine.org/article/ricekeepers/, into a conversation on a question about genetic engineering and its relationship to food justice. This means you identify an interesting question or issue connected to genetic engineering and/or food justice and have the two authors “talk” to each other about it. Then you enter the conversation by responding to their views.

1. Paragraph 1: Synthesis (“They Say”) — In this paragraph, include:

a. an introductory sentence or two that presents what the specific yes/no question at issue is you want to address; you are welcome to use a question that you, a peer, or I posted on the discussion board; and

b. a well-developed, thoughtful synthesis of what others think about the issue by putting together and summarizing two different points of view (from one of our Week 2 or Week 3 readings and one of your peers); and

c. clear indicators of the different points of view; consider using one of these templates:

      • Template for introducing common ground: “On the issue of _____, X and Y share the belief that. . .”
      • Template for introducing a debate: “In discussions of _____, concern has centered on _____. On the one hand, X argues _____. On the other hand, Y contends _____.

d. a concluding sentence that wraps up the point or presents a new question.

2. Paragraph 2: Response (“I Say”)

a. Transition to your point of view by stating whether the other writers help you confirm, amend, qualify, complicate, or open up your view on the issue.

b. Develop your point of view on the issue. Explain what new insight you come to on the question with which you opened Paragraph 1.

c. Conclude with a new question that is raised for you.

Minimum Assignment Requirements

Assignments that have two well-developed paragraphs (approx. 250 words each) which respond to each of the guidelines above will earn a “Complete” on the assignment.


This assignment must be typed (single or double-spaced—your aesthetic preference) and uploaded to Canvas as a .pdf, .doc, or .docx file.

Writing Homework Help

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