Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. moot court ///Human Rights Violations By Actors (Texas)

I want you to write about(Texas)

Human Rights Violations By Actors




Summarize what individuals and companies profited most off of U.S(Texas). COVID failures, how much they profited, and what policies should be put in place to address this.

Draw on press reports, the reports of human rights and other organizations, and scholarly research to support your case. Argue what should be done to redress these harms and what policy and structural changes are needed to prevent future human rights abuses.”

You should also draw on press reports, human rights and other NGO reports, and scholarly research to support your case.

For Texas, you can look at general human rights criticisms of Covid policies and then see which of the criticisms apply to Texas’s policies. For example, did Texas follow guidelines like these: att

: https://www.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/Documents/COVID-19Guidance.docx&action=default&DefaultItemOpen=1




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