Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. UNO Treatment for pneumonia PPT & Progressive Office Furniture Comp Market Plan

1.Final Marketing Plan

Assignment requirements:

  • Using your template describe the following:
    • Complete all of the relevant sections based on your work so far
    • Update sections based on the instructor’s feedback and new information
  • In a separate document, in 500 words or less, briefly discuss:
    • The largest change(s) you have made
    • The most important thing you learned creating this plan

    2.Presentation: Patient Education

As a healthcare employee, there are times when you will need to explain complex information in easy to understand terms for your patients. This presentation will be designed to give you practice researching a medical condition or treatment you are interested in, that a patient in your line of work may be diagnosed with or benefit from.

In order to do this successfully, you will need to establish what resources your patients are likely to encounter when attempting to educate themselves. Then, as a professional, you’ll need to search the journal databases to find what the science says about the condition or treatment, and then provide your patients with some education as summary of the research.


  • Compose a voice-over slide presentation (Google Slides or PowerPoint) using Screencast-o-Matic that explains your selected condition or treatment to your patient.
  • Your presentation could be over a pamphlet you have created (using powerpoint or google slides) to review with your patient or you can do a traditional slides presentation. Justbesureyou:
    • Verbally and parenthetically cite your sources
    • address any advancements in research or misconceptions a novice may develop
  • Criteria

    • After performing a thorough literature search, compile your findings into a patient-friendly presentation in order to educate your patient about the diagnosis or treatment option you choose.
    • Your presentation should include an APA formatted reference list

Writing Homework Help

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