Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. 5 pages, approaches to literature,

Core Assessment Essay


In Unit Four, we read about a number of critical approaches to literature, and in one of your discussion posts you gave a brief sense of how you might apply one of these approaches to a work of literature. Now, you’ll be doing that to a much more extensive degree. You will select three works of literature—one play, one short story, and one poem—from your textbook. You will also select one of the critical approaches discussed in your book’s section “Critical Strategies for Reading.” Then, you will write an essay that analyzes and interprets the works you’ve chosen through the lens of the critical approach you’ve chosen.


  • This essay must be between five and eight FULL pages, not including the Works Cited page.
  • This essay must quote from its primary sources, and it must quote from at least three secondary sources, using proper MLA citation.
  • This essay must focus on works of literature that appear in our textbook; the works do not have to be ones that were assigned. None of the works can be ones you used in the Midterm Essay.
  • The paper should follow the formatting guidelines listed below.
  • The essay must be turned in here (see link below) by 11 p.m. Friday of Unit Eight

A note about sources:

Unlike the Midterm Essay, this one will require you to use secondary sources. Please carefully read the “Secondary Sources” page on this unit’s home page to get a full sense of what this means.

For this essay, you will be expected to quote sufficiently from the primary sources, i.e. the works of literature you’ve chosen to discuss (in our example, the primary sources would be “Story of an Hour” and “Trifles). You will also be expected to follow the MLA guidelines on acceptable ways of quoting and citing sources. If you don’t know what this means, you MUST go to whatever resources are available to you, include the links on the “Further Resources” page of our course, to learn about citation. Failure to understand the mechanisms of citation can lead to plagiarism, which can lead to a zero for the course.


  • Double-space the text of your paper, use 12 point Times New Roman or 11 point Calibri
  • Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.
  • Use standard 1-inch margins.
  • Indent the first line of paragraphs one tab space. Put page numbers at the top right of each page except for the first one.
  • Use italics throughout your essay for the titles of longer works like plays, novels, and epic poems. The titles of short works like lyric poems and short stories should be surrounded by quotation marks.
  • In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, provide a proper heading by listing your name, then your instructor’s name, then the course number, then the date (in other words, the heading should contain four separate lines).
  • Center the title over the first paragraph of your essay. Do not underline or italicize or boldface your title.


As you write your paper, please refer frequently to the sections in your book that deal with critical essay writing. You also will want to make use of the writing resources mentioned elsewhere in the course shell, and you will want to familiarize yourself with the grading rubric.

Below is the title of the book

Title: The Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing

ISBN-13: 9781457608278

ISBN-10: 1457608278

Author: Michael Meyer

Edition: Tenth Edition

Binding: Hardcover

Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin’s

Published: January 2013

Writing Homework Help

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