Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Writing exercise

Working with the visual argument

Pay attention to images you are looking at online or in the world this week. Pick one image that you feel makes some kind of argument, tries to convey a message, or to persuade.

Note: Memes (images combined with words) might be a good choice since you can talk about how the words and the image work together – it is more to work with. And memes are everywhere these days!

Recommended: use a piece of advertising, since these are clearly designed to persuade an audience.

Goal: To practice recognizing strategies of persuading you, of affecting people’s minds.


What appears to be the purpose of this image?

Does this image convey a message?

Does this image create pathos or ethos/character?

What audience does it appear to be targeting with this persuasion? (guessing is fine)

Any logos/reasoning to persuade?

Practice describing the image visually—how the image guides your eye: what is given importance? How its features can be interpreted.

4. Working with a song or poem:

Or you can use one of the stanzas of the Star-Spangled Banner since it is handy

But it is easy to copy lyrics off the internet.

  1. Who is speaking?
  2. To what audience? Can you tell?
  3. What is the situation? What is the purpose?
  4. Is the purpose partly to move through changes of emotion? Does it arrive at a better feeling?
  5. Is the purpose to persuade with some kind of reasons?
  6. Does the writing convey a sense of the character of the writer? What is this person like—at least at this moment?

And another question I did have attached you the screenshot and even the document .So, by looking at that you have to do these assisgnmnet.

And these two are different assignment so should be in different file.

Writing Homework Help

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