Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. CHST 3620- Essay 3 pages


Teacher’s Requirements

Working in small groups, your team will form an ACS Unit and you are now all CPS workers. As CPS workers you will be assigned a pre-determined family case and will be required to complete the Final Examination in two components: A brief in class presentation and a 13-15 page paper.

The internet is the “case address” where you will gather information, details and examples of incidents of abuse and neglect. Provide a psycho-social and family composition about the child/ their family and living arrangements. Use Federal and NY law (even if the cases occurred out of state) to substantiate the type(s) of abuse you identify and/or what protections may the victim be entitled to given these charges. Indicate the possible outcomes and/or long term effects of this type of abuse. Note as a CPS worker what your “service plan” would be. How or why would this intervention be helpful the child and/or the family and would it have changed the current outcome?

My Requirements

My requirements for this essay, is that it is a group project essay. My part of the essay is to talk about the The Key Components of a service plan in regards to Lisa Steinberg if she was alive. It is a continuation of a paper so it shouldn’t sound like the beginning of the first page of the essay. My part is fairly last and should sound like such. My group and I already made a power point and my part was put into the power point. It is also attached to this email. The bullet points now need to be put into sentences with a bit more information . Please cite any references and research the case regarding lisa steinberg before starting the paper.

Writing Homework Help

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