Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. review of factorials

review of factorials

Application: A review of factorial designs, including
identification of design, between- and within-subjects factors, number
of participants required, main effects, and interactions.

Please answer each question thoroughly (generally, 2-3 sentences each).

Other Pointers: Be evaluative and critical.
Not all theories are equally convincing, nor are all studies
methodologically sound. Tell when you think specific theories or studies
have problems. Don’t be uncritically accepting of what you read.

2 × 2 factorials: children with autism

Researchers were interested in better understanding how children with
autism see and understand the world. Participants included children
diagnosed with autism and typically developing children, who were all
approximately the same age. All children were presented with several
different stimuli on a large computer screen for up to one minute. The
stimuli were both social (i.e., people’s faces) and nonsocial (inanimate
objects). The percentage of time children spent looking at the two
types of stimuli were recorded (ranging from zero to 100). The results
are presented below:

Variable 2: stimulus type



Variable 1: diagnosis

with Autism



typically developing



  1. What type of factorial design is this (independent groups, repeated measures, or mixed)?
  2. Given your response above, at least how many participants will need
    to be recruited if the researchers want to have 30 observations per
  3. How many hypotheses or research questions are the researchers
    asking, given the factorial design of the study? What are the questions?
  4. Is there a main effect for variable 1: diagnosis? If so, describe it below.
  5. Is there a main effect for variable 2: stimulus type? If so, describe it below.
  6. Is there an interaction between stimulus type and diagnosis? If so, describe it below.

Please include a reference page in APA format

Submission: Your paper will be submitted via
the Assignment feature in Webcourses. When you submit your assignment it
will immediately be run through Turnitin.com, an automated system that
instructors can use to quickly and easily compare each student’s
assignment with billions of web sites, as well as an enormous database
of student papers that grows with each submission. Turnitin will send me
a report that states if and how another author’s work was used in the
assignment. That is, it checks for plagiarism. As stated in the Course Policies plagiarism is a violation of the Golden Rule and is therefore completely unacceptable. Thus any plagiarized work will result in a 0 for that Assignment. This assignment will not be dropped from the calculation of your overall course grade.


Any direct quotation MUST be placed within quotes and
cited. Citing alone does not make it not plagiarized! As I am not
allowing ANY quotation this should not even be an issue!

Citing merely tells the reader where the information is coming
from – using direct quotations “” tells the reader it is a direct quote
from someone else. Why is this important? Well
chiefly, it’s not your words or work. Secondly, if you have the reader
feels the information is wrong they can seek out the original source to
verify that information a) wasn’t taken out of context or b) is indeed

Remember, you are typically better off loosing points for having nothing in your own words that plagiarizing someone else.

Course policy is that any plagiarism results in an automatic 0 on the assignment.

University policy is that this is a violation of the university honor code and as such must be reported!!!

So please do NOT plagiarize!

I have a have a guide for you at: Plagiarism & Citing

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