Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Week 1 SPN4313S Research Writing

Castañeda (2011) states that “To justify a topic or problem is to show that it is worth investigating, is to answer the question: why should it be investigated?” (p.19). Explain the rationale for researching the topic you intend to work on for this course’s research project.

Hernandez, Fernández and Baptista (2006) refer in Chapter 2 (pp. 4-5) to the sources from which the research ideas can come. Based on what is explained there, reflect on the source that generated your research topic? Where did the idea come from?

Comment on one of the answers submitted by your classmates. In your comment, you will want to ask, support, expand with examples or quotes, etc. what is expressed by the student.

For the reference to the source you can use the following format:

Various authors. (2012). Research Methods. McGraw Hill Create.

Or you can use, as appropriate to the material within the course you are using for reference.

For example:

Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2006) The birth of a quantitative, qualitative or mixed research project: the idea. [PDF file].

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