Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Annotated bibiography

bibliography gets deeper into the scholarly literature about your topic
and racial segregation and should include 10 different sources; at
least five of these should be articles from academic journals. APA
formatting. Put this on your google doc, titled Annotated Bibliography

Reminder: An annotated bibliography is a list of
citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed
by an annotation, or a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and
evaluative paragraph about the reference.

For this project, a
credible source is research- or scholarship-based piece of writing or
presentation, in English. Most desirable sources: Research articles from
the MU Library databases, News/magazine articles with in-depth
reporting from sources like regional newspapers, The Atlantic, The Nation, The National Review, NPR, etc To develop skills in critical reading of the media, this site is helpful:: https://www.medialit.org/reading-room/news-balance-bias-critical-questions (链接到外部网站。)

Annotated Bibliography #2 Rubric

  1. 10
    sources cited, at least 5 from academic journals that show an
    understanding of the link between your topic and racial segregation.
  2. APA formatting
  3. About 150 words describing each source
  4. Posted on your group’s google doc

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Writing Homework Help

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