Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Skill of Choosing, writing homework help

For this assignment you need to watch the skill of choosing Video. Please write down events that fit in different categories (red, green, yellow, and gray). The video asks you to consider work and personal domains. If you are not in the workforce, then focus on the personal domain.

  1. Write down as many RED activities (true urgencies) that you can imagine in 3 minutes.
  1. Write down as many GREEN activities (go here) that you can imagine in 3 minutes.
  1. Write down as many YELLOW activities (caution – reschedule) that you can imagine in 3 minutes.
  1. Write down at least 3 GRAY activities (time wasters) that you can remove from your life and free up more time for your course work.
  1. Add up the amount of time you spent in each color for both days and then divide by 2 to get an “average” over the 2 days. Input your results in hours:




  1. How do you think coloring your choices will help free up the time you will need for pursuing your degree?

Writing Homework Help

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