Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Literacy Narritve


We’ve started the semester by thinking and writing about our individual stories as writers in order to consider the role writing has played in our lives and the roles we might like it to play, as you have begun this discourse in the assignments thus far. Specifically, we’ve really begun talking about about the contexts in which we write and read, what writing researchers and teachers call rhetorical ecologies. “Rhetoric” is both the art and study of human interaction (and specifically persuasion) through language and symbols, so when we talk about rhetorical ecologies/situations we’re simply talking about how language/symbol use is situated in a particular time and space. This is a way of looking at the contexts in which writing and reading happen and how those influence us. The purpose of this inquiry is to begin looking closely at the uses of language in your own life and possibly identify expertise that you already bring with you to the new rhetorical ecologies you’ll encounter in both the university and beyond. That way, you can begin to figure out how to adapt that expertise to these new situations as well as identify the gaps in your experiences you might still need to fill.

Your Task

Write a personal essay (at least 1,200-2,000 words) that uses stories and artifacts to support and develop an original argument about the significance of some of your experiences as a literate individual (writer, reader, or speaker, and the like) in and across different rhetorical ecologies; in other words, what do these experiences mean and why do they matter? Look to join the conversation with the authors we’ve been reading by drawing ideas and concepts from at least two of the articles we have read in this part of the class to help you frame and discuss your stories. This might, for instance, mean talking about how you’ve learned to adapt your writing for different audiences or in response to particular constraints. Build upon the ideas of our readings, the Reading Synthesis Assignment, and the Expressions of Literacy Assignment.

How does your writerly identity fit with the social identity you construct through the external artifacts you choose to represent you? You might discuss how you’ve transferred writing practices from one rhetorical ecology to help you in a different one. You might talk about how you’ve never really thought about audience in your writing. Or you might write about something else entirely.

For this first Major Project, You will upload the following files (#1 and #3 should be as Word or PDF documents):

1) Your final Literacy Narrative essay

2) Any literacy-related artifacts referred to in the essay (Expressions of Literacies artifacts)

3) A one-paragraph (at least 150 words) reflection of your experience in writing this paper. Include the following:

  • What challenges did you face?
  • What were your most and least favorite parts?
  • What was the most significant takeaway from completing this essay?



Audience: Your peers and your professor.

Format: 1,200-2,000 words, MLA-format

Rubric: Attached Below

SAMPLE STUDENT WORK check the additional resources


Here, I briefly outline the moves you’ll need to make in your essay in order to accomplish the task required by this assignment. You may think of these as “sections,” if you like, but don’t feel bound by this structure: if you have a better idea for how to go about completing the task, try it out.

  • Synthesize and respond to some of the ideas we’ve read about in this part of the course.
    • Consider which readings have stood out to you. What ideas seem to resonate with you in some way? What seems important? As a group, what do these authors seem to be saying about literacy experiences and how they shape individuals?
    • Rather than merely summarize each and every reading (which would take far too long and serve little purpose), be selective in what you choose to discuss. You don’t need to discuss every point or even every reading. Also, look to draw connections between texts and ideas to get them into conversation with each other. You might, for instance, contrast the ways that Murray and Brandt talk about rhetoric to introduce the way you think about audience.
    • For an example of what this sort of source use can look like, see the introduction to Emily Strasser’s narrative in Young Scholars in Writing here.
    • Use at least two of the readings from class ( the links to the different PDFs any of them is acceptable) in your essay and cite them both in your text and in an MLA-style works cited page (Links to an external site.) (see OWL Purdue (Links to an external site.) for details and examples of in-text citations, which you are familiar with already in this course).
    • the PDFs:
    • https://www.writingspaces.org/sites/default/files/…
    • https://writingspaces.org/sites/default/files/melz…
    • https://writingspaces.org/sites/default/files/vier…
  • Present your argument about your writing in and across different rhetorical ecologies.
    • Use the material you’ve synthesized in the first part to get to your own story. Explain and qualify as you need to in order to make your particular argument as clear as possible.
    • The texts and experiences you choose to make will vary. Just be sure you’re responding to and building off of some of the topics we’ve been discussing in the course. The best narratives will not merely repeat or apply ideas we’ve read about in class, but extend those ideas in some new and interesting way to your own story. This often happens through combining different ideas or taking up a very particular point from one of the authors we read and developing it further.
    • You will probably discover this argument as you write about the readings, course topics, and your own experiences in the first week of the class. Often, writers don’t even fully form their arguments until after they’ve written a couple of pages or so, so that is typical.
  • Support and develop your argument with stories about your experiences as a writer.
    • This will likely be the largest section of your essay. Tell specific stories or anecdotes that speak to your argument in some way. Be sure to provide plenty of details. Readers aren’t familiar with you or your experiences, so paint a picture for them. If you want to talk about your writing as a member of a student organization, for instance, tell us what that writing looked like, why you were writing it, how it differed from other sorts of writing you did, who the audience was, and so forth. It’s far better (especially early in the drafting process) to present too much information than not enough.
    • Because your literacy narrative is about you, you may find it difficult to write it without talking about yourself in the first person. Using “I” when you need to will make the piece feel somewhat informal, which is appropriate for this kind of writing.
    • Feel free to include pictures or artifacts with your narrative. Consider what was used in the Expressions of Literacy assignment.
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned and why any of this might matter.
    • Your conclusion should not merely restate what you’ve already said elsewhere. Instead, use this section to address the “So what?” question: why do your arguments and stories matter? What might a reader do with these ideas?
    • You might think more broadly about what you’ve learned about writing in general as well. How has your understanding of writing (or any of the specific course topics) shifted since beginning the course and doing this project?
    • What questions still remain unanswered? What might you need to keep thinking about as you continue investigating writing this semester?

In general, such narratives are typically around 1,200 -2,000 words (or roughly 5-8 double-spaced pages). Writing less than that will probably not give you enough space to fully develop your ideas and examples. Writing much more than that means you may have expanded the scope of this assignment too far. But exact lengths will vary, and your work will be assessed on quality, not length.


Additional Resources:

There are many examples of literacy narratives you might consult for ideas. Not all of these fulfill all of the requirements of this particular assignment, but they should serve as useful inspiration as you consider what to write about and how to approach this project. Some of those are listed below:


What makes it good?

Here are the qualities I will be looking for when I grade this assignment:

Discussion of Course Readings and Topics

  • How well have you demonstrated your understanding of the material we’ve been considering about writing, rhetoric, and related topics?
  • Have you thoughtfully selected key ideas and points to include in your synthesis?
  • How well have you drawn connections between different ideas, texts, and authors?
  • Have you responded and added to the discussion or merely repeated what you’ve read?

Originality and Thoughtfulness

  • How original is your argument? Does it demonstrate that you’ve thought carefully about both the course topics and your own experiences?
  • How clear and precise is your argument?
  • Have you addressed why your argument matters—the “So what?” question?

Use of Stories and Detail

  • Have you developed and talked through your argument with specific stories about your experiences writing and/or reading in particular situations?
  • Are your stories detailed enough that readers can understand the points you’re making? This will mean including particular examples and possibly related artifacts.
  • Have you made clear connections between the stories you’re presenting and the overall argument you’re presenting so that readers can follow your thinking?


  • Is it clear how and why you’re moving from point to point?
  • Do your ideas logically lead into one another?
  • Are sections and points fully developed?

In addition, all major projects you submit in this course are expected be clean and error-free as well as properly presented in MLA style. Our focus on this project, however, will be on the above criteria.


I attached an old literacy narrative of mine but it needs some work to meet the requirements for this assignment, I cited Brandt and Malcom X in the old one, please use the PDF’s to add citations to the narrative and also make any additional changes to meet the requierments.

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