Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Write a news report, story, brand post, blog and web copy in about 1100 words.

  1. writing a news story report (about 150 words) based on three random words. 3 WORDS ARE DESIGN, FRESH AND SPIRIT.
  2. Writing a story about a homeless person (2 paragraphs) then talking about how Crossroads Community help homeless people. Total about 250 words.
  3. Use https://admocks.adparlor.com/ to create a Facebook promotional post for a brand (10 to 50 words). THE BRAND NAME IS NOKIA
  4. You need to write a blog on any subject you are interested in – about 300-500 words.
  5. You will need to write some web copy for the same brand as for part 1C, the social media post. Basically just expand the promotion that you did for 1C.

The maximum word for all the stuff would be 1300 words max.

5 word documents needed for each question.

Writing Homework Help

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