Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. UCONN: Find topics and annotated bibliography

I am doing an argumentative research paper and I need help finding a topic and an annotated bibliography of the topics. I am a Business management major and my courses talk a lot about relations in the workplace and how it can affect productivity, therefore, I am interested in writing about this topic.

However, the research paper must have at least two different disciplinary perspectives/viewpoints (usually, one of these is the student’s own major discipline) should be brought to bear on the topic, and these perspectives can be evaluated relative to each other.

Therefore, I was thinking the other viewpoint would be about the psychology side, since relations in the workplace can lead to psychological disorders such as depression; personality disorders, psychotic disorders, and etc.


  • I would like you to focus on Business management and Psychology or another topic that is similar to psychology.
  • When searching for the topics, the topic must: Addresses a challenge, problem, or issue that is specific to society (global, local, or regional), a group of individuals, or an academic discipline AND be debatable or controversial and is amenable to argument.
  • For the annotated bibliography, you MUST find sources that are well-supported by evidence from the peer-reviewed literature.
  • You must find 10 peer-reviewed literature/scholarly articles about the two topics for the annotated bibliography.
  • After you think about the topics and finish the annotated bibliography, please make a title for the paper. Examples are below:

Examples of multidisciplinary topics:

  • Single discipline topic: “An Analysis of the Ecological Impact of Harvesting Apex Marine Predators” – Biology, vs. multidisciplinary topic: “An Analysis of the Ecological Impact of Shark Hunting on Marine Ecosystems and the Economic Impact on Coastal Communities” – Biology and Economics (plus Psychology/Health sciences, if considering the human impact of poverty in those coastal communities)
  • Single discipline topic: “Investing in Smart Portfolios: Can They Reliably Generate Excess Returns?” – Finance/Economics, vs. multidisciplinary topic: “Learning about Risk Aversion through Investing Behavior: Should the Psychology of Finance Change the Way We Shop for Healthcare?” – Finance/Economics, Psychology, Health Science
  • Single discipline topic: “The Math of Polling: How Certain Can We Be?” – Mathematics/Statistics, vs. multidisciplinary topic: “Polling in the 21st Century: What We Know about the Role of Polls in Predicting and Determining Election Outcomes” – Mathematics/Statistics, Politics, Psychology, Communications, History

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