Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Community Health Record [Discussion]


https://www.vaccines.gov/basics/work/protection/index.html (Links to an external site.)

https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/advisory-committees/infant-mortality/meetings/07092014/shin.pdf (Links to an external site.)


As a healthcare professional, you will need to understand healthcare from various perspectives. Having now completed watching the videos and reading the provided, please answer the following:

1. What are three issues of importance to the community health record for each of the following:

a. Culturally

b. Gender Specific

c. Socioeconomically

2. What do you believe is the most important issue to be addressed in order to help ensure integrity of the community health record in the U.S.?

3. What if any global impact do you envision your choice having?

4. Explain the rationale behind your answer.

5. What other salient issues do you feel were addressed within the material covered this week?

Support your answers with the use of peer reviewed scholarly sources from MedLine, Ebsco, ProQuest, and/or Google Scholar. You must provide at least three additional sources to the video. Please post a 300 to 500 word discussion essay adhering to APA 6th Edition formatting guidelines. It is not necessary to provide a cover page or an Abstract for discussion posts.

I will be using this rubric for all discussions throughout the semester.

APA Discussion Entries Rubric

Score _____/100

____ (5) Properly formatted APA parenthetical in-text citations

____ (5) Properly formatted references per APA

____ (5) Grammar and spelling

____ (35) Address all 5 questions (maximum points per question = 7)

____ (50) For two substantive responses to two or more initial posts of your classmates, addressing each person to whom you respond by name to ensure that dialogue remains open and conversation flows freely.

Writing Homework Help

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