Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. History Homework [2]

1. Write a 5 paragraph essay (about 2 pages) double-spaced paper summarizing the causes of the Great Depression brought out in “Question_1”

2. Write a news story that you would write as a reporter for your hometown newspaper after hearing “Outlining the New Deal” (LINK: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_f3UwvtFp7ab0Jv…) for those who didn’t have radios. Be sure to discuss what FDR said that would relate to your hometown or present residence. The news story should be 200 words in length and have a headline. Note the power point “Question_2” below for more info on WPA.

3. At the FDR library web site (http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/archives/collecti…). Assemble a slide show of digital photos that you would use to show fellow classmate about New Deal programs (e.g. NRA, WPA). Your slide show should consist of at least 15 pictures with commentary/explanation.

4. Construct a timeline of Axis powers’ actions in Europe and Asia during the 1930s/early 40s that led to WW II and identify FDR’s actions as a result of these events based on “Chapter26”, and the “Why We Fight” video (LINK: https://archive.org/details/PreludeToWar). An example of how the timeline should look like is ATTACHED.

5. From the “Why We Fight” video, write a list of 15 critical points about why a soldier, sailor, marine, or civilian would write to another American about the reasons that all Americans should support WW II. Each critical point should consist of several sentences explaining the reason and using the evidence from the video to support that reason. For example, “The Axis powers destroyed the first amendment rights like freedom of religion. For example, the Nazis used various laws and social programs like Krystalnacht to lock up, isolate, and exterminate German Jews. The Japanese and Emperor Hirohito were shown bombing areas of China and Korea cities and removing citizens who criticized the Emperor were locked up and isolated from society in concentration camps.” LINK: https://archive.org/details/PreludeToWar

Writing Homework Help

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