Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Develop a study using research methods to explore/investigate aspects of social inequality in Singapore.

At the half way point of 2018 and taking stock of the many newsworthy stories in our public discourse, one discussion that stands out is the danger of a widening gap occurring in Singapore society, namely in the areas of income, mobility and integration. Based on reports and commentaries presented in both the traditional media as well as on social media, it suggest that the gap between the haves and the have-nots is becoming obvious.

Read the following articles for background regarding this discussion:

Lee, H. L. “Why Singapore gives top priority to fighting income inequality.” The Straits Times, February 6, 2018. https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/why-sporegive…

Yong, C. “New study finds clear divide among social classes in Singapore.” The Straits Times, December 28, 2017. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/newstudy-fi…

For this assignment, apply your knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative research designs and methods research, and develop a study to explore/investigate aspects of social inequality in Singapore. Present a proposal that describes your proposed study and addresses the following key points:

a) Identify and discuss the key themes/concepts/debates/theories related to social inequality presented in both articles. In your discussion, you should recognize and discuss the potential gaps (if any) in the current body of work. Apart from the two articles mentioned above, identify and select an additional three relevant articles.

b) Formulate a pertinent research question for your proposed study.

c) Describe and discuss your research design and method(s) and provide clear justifications for its selection.

d) Recognise and discuss any two ethical issues that may arise with your proposed study. (20 marks)

Additional Notes

This assignment seeks to assess your ability to conduct a brief but complete literature review on the pertinent topic of social inequality in Singapore. Aside from the two Straits Times articles included with this question, you are expected to identify at least three additional relevant academic sources that discuss the issue of social inequality.

The literature review not only familiarize you with established concepts, theories, and findings, but also allow you to identify key gaps in research on specific aspects of social inequality (income, education, occupation, class divisions etc). This will ensure that you have the necessary information to formulate your research question on the topic. Your research question must address the topic identified by this assignment. Good research questions must be objective and clear.

Research design and selected methods should also be clearly described. You should provide a clear discussion that includes justifications with regard to why a certain research design has been chosen, and with pertinent academic evidence. Responses that are thin on academic support will most surely score lower.

Word Limit : 1200 words

Referencing: APA

Writing Homework Help

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