Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Book Club Meeting #2 – Talking to Strangers by Gladwell

Book Club Meeting #2 – Talking to Strangers by Gladwell

From ENGL-100-ONH-CRN54051

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Book Club Image.png

Your Task

  • By Wednesday, July 8:
    • Based on the second half of the book, thoughtfully respond to each of the questions below on the Meeting Guide.
  • By Sunday, July12:
    • After you’ve posted your own ideas, be sure to read and reply to at least two (2) of your group member’s posts.

Meeting Guide

  • Does the author have a clear thesis? What is it? If the author doesn’t have a clear thesis, what is their implied thesis? Why didn’t they state it more clearly?
  • What types of evidence is the author using?
    • Classify the types of evidence the author uses (stories, logical constructs, statistics, etc.)
    • Include specific examples (with page numbers!)
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the types of evidence the author includes? 

  • What are their best pieces of evidence? What are their worst? Be specific.
  • In terms of the book’s content, what do you agree with? What do you disagree with?

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