Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ssignment 2: Informative Speech

Assignment 2: Informative Speech
Four items worth 195 points total:
Assignment Item Due Date Points
Topic Selection Week 3 15
Outline Week 4 30
Speech (5–6 min.) Week 5 120

Self Review Week 5 30
You’ve learned a lot about effective speaking and you’re already working on improving your
delivery skills.

It’s time to take the next step toward becoming a powerful speaker! Your second
assignment is to prepare and deliver a well-researched, informative speech. Everything you’ve
read and practiced so far in this course relates directly to successful informative speaking.

Instructions: In order to obtain full credit for this assignment, please complete all five (5)
steps below. You may want to print this assignment and check off each step as you complete
You should use at least two quality resources (as defined by your instructor).

STEP 1: Read Assigned Chapters
 Ensure you have completed chapter readings for all previous weeks. This information
will help you successfully complete

Assignment 2.
 Chapter 9: Organizing the Body of the Speech. This chapter will help you create a wellorganized
speech that connects with your audience.

Chapter 10: Beginning and Ending the Speech. This chapter will help you prepare a
strong introduction and conclusion for your speech.
STEP 2: Select a Topic (due Week 3)
 Select a type of informative speech from one of the four types listed below. Choose your
own topic that is different from the provided examples.
 Submit your topic to your instructor by Week 3 for approval.
Types of Informative Speeches
(Choose only one type and then choose your own topic that differs from the examples.)
Speech About an Object
 Legos
 Service dogs
 Susan B. Anthony
 Matterhorn
Speech About a Process
 Flash floods
 Writing resumes
 How a power plant works
 The stages of dementia
Speech About an Event
 Boston Marathon
 Festival of the Sun
 Cyberterrorism
 History of the Paralympics
Speech About a Concept
 Numerology
 Philosophies of education
 Net neutrality
 Confucianism
STEP 3: Create an Outline (due Week 4)
 Create an outline or speaking notes in Microsoft Word. A sample template is available in
the “Assignment 2: Outline” section located in Week 4 of your course.
 Develop a specific purpose, central idea, and several main points so you’ll stay within
the 6-minute time limit.
 Go to the Week 4 “Assignment 2: Outline” section and upload your outline.
 The outline is worth 30 points and is graded separately.
STEP 4: Deliver, Record, and Upload Your Speech (due Week 5)
 Go to the Week 5 “Assignment 2: Informative Speech” section and click the link under
“Instructions” to access Speech Assignment Submission Instructions.
 Refer to your outline or speaking notes to deliver your speech. Do not read your notes
word for word. Make sure you record your speech delivery with a computer, phone, or
 Watch your recording. Do you want to submit it, or do you want to record another
 Go to the Week 5 “Assignment 2: Informative Speech” section and upload your speech.
For additional help recording and uploading your speech, go to the “Course Tool
Help” link in the left-hand navigation bar in Blackboard and review the Speech
Assignment Submission Guide located under “Kaltura Media and Webcam
Recorder Help.”
STEP 5: Complete a Self Review (due Week 5)
 Go to the Week 5 “Assignment 2: Self Review” section.
 Follow the instructions listed to complete and submit your Self Review of Assignment 2.
 The self review is worth 30 points and is graded separately.

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