Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Week 1 Discussion: Developing a Media Relations Strategy

I need a discussion post for the following information. My capstone client’s name and information is attached.

Developing a Media Relations Strategy

This month, you will develop assets to support your capstone project campaign’s media strategy. But before you do this, you have to actually develop that strategy. In this discussion, you will formulate your media relations strategy, including developing measurable goals, figuring out your audience, and tailoring your assets to fit those goals. You will also solicit feedback from your classmates on the plan, and provide feedback to them about their plans as well.


Perform some background research on Media Relations Strategies. You must research some supporting information to back up your plan. This information should be gathered via the Full Sail Online Library, using EBSCOHost or LexisNexis. Additional information may be gathered through one or more of the following sources:

-­‐ The Federal Government, through FedStats.gov -­‐ Polling Organizations, like Pew Research or Gallup -­‐ Credible news organizations, such as CNN, The New York Times, or your local newspaper


Initial Post – Minimum 250 words: Using your Capstone Project Campaign as a basis for your responses, answer each the following:

– What is the overall message of the campaign?

– Who is your target audience? You must answer this question with statistical information gathered from your research.

• What are your goals for getting the message out to the audience? You must have at least three specific, measurable goals.

• What is your plan of attack? Provide at least one action item corresponding to each goal.


• All questions must be answered in full.

• Any multimedia elements must be embedded using the embed functions on FSO. Simply pasting the embed code from a video or other element into the Discussion Board will not work.

• Do not copy and paste the questions from this document into the Discussion Board. This will be considered an attempt to subvert the word count requirements.

• All information must be properly attributed to the original sources. Hyperlinks must be included where appropriate.

• All posts must be free of any spelling, grammar or style errors.

Writing Homework Help

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