Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Study Guide for Religion of the Old Testament, writing homework help

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  • EDITION: 2ND 10
  • ISBN: 9781599820507


  • EDITION: 13
  • ISBN: 9781599821245
  • Part One: This section will consist of objective questions, asking for definitions or short responses. Take care to be concise but precise and accurate. Your response should show that you understand the significance of the term. I will not ask for specific dates, but you should have a general idea of the time line.

    Rise of the Monarchy: Identifications: Philistine invasions, Saul, David, Absalom, Michal, Jonathan, Davidic Covenant, Bathsheba, Uriah, Solomon, Nathan, Amnon
    Divided Kingdom: Deuteronomic Historian, Israel and Judah, Ahab, Elijah, Jezebel, Contest at Mt. Carmel, Naboth’s Vineyard, Baal worship
    Prophets: Definition of a prophet, role,
    Exile: Assyrian and Babylonian invasions,
    Return and Restoration: Cyrus of Persia, Return to Jerusalem, Renewal of scripture
    Wisdom Literature: Distinctive characteristics, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Hebrew Poetry (Psalm, Parallelism, imagery)
    Methodology: Be sure that you can define source criticism and how the creation story in Genesis is thought to be have been woven together from different sources.

    Part Two: Prepare to respond to one of the following questions in well-organized, clearly written essay. Do not choose a question that is very close to your paper. Do not simply summarize stories or poems, but that you have reviewed the treatment of your topic in Carvalho, and analyzed some of the biblical passages Be sure that you have a thesis sentence and that the essay is coherent. Your ideas should be developed through references to the text, though it is not open book (4- 5 paragraphs).

    1. Write an essay on the writings of the prophet Amos, explaining the historical context, the principle themes of the work, the style and images through which the message is told. Do you think the work has relevance today?

    2. Ecclesiastes and Proverbs present some strikingly different aspects of the nature of religious thought and the purpose of life. Explain which of the two books you found most helpful. Be sure to support your opinions with references drawn from the text.

    3. Which of these women in the period we have recently studied most interested you? Why do you think the character was considered a heroine to the Israelites? Do you consider her a heroine? Write an essay in which you explain why this character would has been considered by many to be a heroine and how she appears to you today. Be sure that your essay has a clear thesis statement that you can develop by critically discussing her actions in historical context.

    Writing Homework Help

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