Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Research Paper abou Case

1.Write a research paper describing what happened, the relevant law, and the significance of the story for the industry, the company, the law, and/or you.

2.What to include in your paper:

a detailed description of the current event

a detailed discussion of the relevant law – explain the law from the very beginning, as if your reader knows nothing about the topic; this is how you demonstrate your understanding of the law

an analysis of the current event – Why is it important to the industry? What companies will care about this news story? What will its impact be? Who will win? Why? You can choose to answer any or all of these questions (or any other question). The goal is to demonstrate a meaningful application of the law to facts and deep thinking about the issues presented by the news story.

3.8-10 pages, single-spaced,The new roman,size 12

Citation required anytime what you just wrote down did not originate in your own brain.

The paper should be prepared using the APA writing style and guidelines for reference format. You must provide abibliography, and all direct quotations and data sources must be properly cited.

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Writing Homework Help

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