Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. anthropology writing -2

These response papers provide opportunities for discussion and critical analysis of current biological, cultural, and social issues related to human growth and development. Reaction papers are only 2-3 pages long so writing should be concise and focused around a couple of main points. For this week, choose one of the options listed below to respond to. Additionally, read and respond to two of your peers’ posts. Engage the material and think “evolutionarily“. Total word count: 700

Option 1 (2 readings):

1. Co-sleeping and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Braiker B. 2005. A quiet revolt against the rules on SIDS. The New York Times; 10/18/05.

& 2. McKenna JJ. 2001. Why we never ask: “Is it safe for infants to sleep alone?” ABM News andViews 7(4): 32, 38.

Option 2 (2 readings):

1. Harris G, O’Connor A. 2005. On autism’s cause, it’s parents vs. research. The New York Times; 6/25/05.

& 2. McNeil DG. 2002. When parents say no to child vaccinations. The New York Times; 11/30/02.

Writing Homework Help

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