Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Remix Project

Assignment 1 (5 points)

To complete this forum, please go to Dr.Diamond’s Blog and examine the site. Write a post discussing the audience and purpose of this website. Your writing should speak about for whom the blog is written and how the author addresses the audience (persuade, inform, entertain).

Minimum of 100 words

Assignment 2

First, post your Remix for peer review. For Audio/Video files (MP3 or Mp4), provide a Hyperlink. For PowerPoint/Word files, attachments are fine. Second, Evaluate one project posted by a classmate.

Assignment 3 ( 5 points)

Reflect on the three major essays that you have written for this course. Choose the one that you want to remix for a new audience. On a Word Document, answer the prompts below.

  • Which essay will you remix to a new audience?
  • Who is the Audience?– age group, gender, education level (Be Specific)
  • What is the Purpose? – entertainment, explanation, opinion, argument
  • What technology will you use? Choices are available here.

100 word minimum

Assignment 4 (100 points)

Submit the Final version to this drop box. For Audio/Video files (MP3 or Mp4), provide a Hyperlink. For PowerPoint/Word files, attachments are fine.

Rubric for Assignment 4


Audience & Purpose/ 20

Audience and Purpose are specific and thought provoking.

Organization/ 20

Organization is stellar from beginning to end.

Development/ 20

Development is deep and thorough.

Presentation/ 20

Sophisticated design: Words, images, sounds.

Length/ 20

Seems complete with full closure. 2+ minutes or 10+ slides.

(Assignment 4) RX project instructions:

Writing Homework Help

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