Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Mergers & Acquisitions Assignment

In considering the two very different stories of M&A deals
presented in Chapter 1 (Pfizer’s acquisition of publicly traded
Pharmacia and Nestlé’s purchase of privately held Chef America), answer
the following questions with respect to each of these two deals.

1. Who is the Target?

Who is the Bidder?

2. Does this deal present any antitrust concerns? Will this deal require any other regulatory approvals?

How will investors in Bidder Co. learn of the proposed acquisition of
Target Co.? How will investors in Target Co. learn of the proposed sale
of their company?

4. In the case of the Pfizer-Pharmacia deal,
what is the nature of management’s concern as to the market’s reaction
to the public announcement of this proposed transaction between Pfizer
and Pharmacia? How will management gauge the market’s reaction? Why is
management worried about the market’s reaction to the deal when it gets
announced? Why is this concern not mentioned in the press coverage of
Nestlé’s acquisition of Chef America?

5. What is the acquisition consideration? In other words, what is Bidder offering to pay to acquire Target?

Why does Bidder want to buy Target? What business objective is to be
served by making this acquisition? Is Bidder a strategic or financial

7. What is the business incentive for Target to engage in this deal? Why is Target willing to let itself be acquired?

What does each company hope to accomplish in the due diligence process?
What will (actually) be done during the course of this due diligence

9. What will happen when Pharmacia “spins off” — that is, divests itself of — the stake it holds in Monsanto?

In describing the deal between Pfizer and Pharmacia, the financial
press referred to Hassan as selling “his company.” In what sense is
Hassan selling “his company”? In what sense is Hassan not selling “his
company”? Along these same lines, in what sense is Paul Merage selling
“his company”?

Submission Instructions : Submit your written responses to the Unit 1 by attaching the report file in the Assignment Files of this lesson.

Free ebook – https://books.google.com/books?id=MO7fDgAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PT67#v=onepage&q&f=false (this might help; this is not a complete book)

Writing Homework Help

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