Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Respond to the following

1) Write a helpful response to the students post in first person.State how you agree with them and a postive opinion.

Lulu is important in this part of the novel because she shows how vulnerable she is and her side of Nector’s cheating. The reader gets to know more about her life and her feelings for Nector Kashpaw. Lulu begins by describing the way people saw her. Lulu knew they “used to say Lulu Lamartine was like a cat, loving no one” (Erdrich 272). Lulu explains that she was hung up on Nector Kashpaw and always loved him so it seemed as though she never cared about any of her other lovers. When her husband Henry dies she says, “during the dead of night, Kashpaw would visit me” (Erdrich 274). Nector was married to Marie at the time but was sneaking out more often than not to go see Lulu. Lulu became pregnant with Nector’s child who is named Lynman. When Lulu’s past husband Henry’s brother came into the picture Lulu told Nector was she was going to marry him. Nector seemed enraged and Lulu interpreted his expression as, ‘“I’ll kill him, the eyes said. ‘Or else I’ll kill you” (Erdrich 279). When Lulu went to face the tribal council they disrespected her with their sly comments when she took her stand. Lulu took the floor regardless and ignored the tribal men on the council. Whether Lulu had a good past or not she truly cared for her children regardless of who their father was. She shows this when her house burned down and all she could think about was saving her son who she had left inside. She ran inside and searched a burning house thinking franticly about where her son could be hidden inside because she had to save him. Lulu is important to this part of the novel because it shows that she isn’t a home wrecker she has real feelings for Nector and she, even as she grows older is trying to deal with those feelings.

My question is this: Why do you think Nector stayed married to Marie for all those years but kept having feels for Lulu and became enraged when he found out Lulu was marrying Henry’s brother?

Works Cited

Erdrich, Louise. Love Medicine. Harper Perennial, 2009.

2) complete exercise 4.1 in MLA format.

I will send the pictures for the info for this one

Writing Homework Help

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