Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. user-guide project

Read the word file to complete the project and address all the tasks probably, please

Prepare a user-guide on how new students can find and use the library resources section in the e-concierge. The user-guide should provide step-by-step instructions on how students can execute the following tasks:


  • How to launch the e-concierge using a browser on their device ie desktop, laptop, or smartphone.
  • How to navigate to the Student Resources section of the e-concierge. Bear in mind that there may be different ways to execute a task, it is important to provide step-by-step instructions on how the different ways that can be used to execute a task.
  • A brief overview on how to use the manual and the topics that it will cover
  • FAQ

Your user-guide should first start off with an introduction where you briefly describe what the e-concierge is and highlight all the different features this web application tool offers. Since our user-guide is only focusing on one section, which is student resources, explain the purpose of the user-guide, which of course is help new students navigate this web application to obtain services on campus using the available student resources.

The user-guide should be at least 7 pages and should also include screenshots to complement the step-by-step instructions provided on executing the tasks.

Writing Homework Help

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