Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Commodity Paper-04

Commodification Paper Rubric:

Research and write a short analysis of an important early phase (in most cases, early 20 thcentury or prior) in the commodification and globalization of one commodity(i.e., bananas, cement, chocolate, coffee, sugar, diamonds, palm oil, rubber, tobacco…). Be sure to demonstrate your understanding of our assigned readings from Weeks 2-3(Nature’s Metropolisand The Travels of a T-Shirt) in your analysis. Your paper may cite assigned class readings, or journalistic or other sources, but in addition you must also make meaningful use of at least three academic, non-class sources (peer-reviewed books or journal articles). Your paper must be edited, proofread, double-spaced, 1” margins all around, and font 12-point Times New Roman, 900-1000 words (about 3-4pages; not counting bibliography and illustrations). A detailed rubric is available in attached file.

The purpose of this assignment is to be a short analysis of an important early moment (in most cases, early 20th century or prior) in the global commodification of one commodity. The criteria according to which this assignment will be graded are: how well it describes and analyzes the chosen moment of commodification, how well it integrates the moment into the readings and the larger context of the course, and how well it meets academic writing standards. Commodification is an ongoing process— nothing is ever fully commodified, merely commodified to a greater or lesser extent. In this assignment you will pick a single phase or moment in the commodification of one commodity, and analyze how that change came about. An excellent paper will contextualize this moment of commodification within the broader history of the commodity, but focus its energy on one time and place: what changes occurred, and why is it a particularly important moment? An excellent paper will use the concepts from the readings and class as an integral part of the analysis, employing quotes from the readings (and sources) where appropriate. An excellent paper will be written to academic style: along with good writing, the sources used will be appropriate to the topic, properly cited, and of academic quality. Finally, an excellent paper may use popular sources (newspapers, magazines, online sites, etc.), but it must also make meaningful use of at least 3 scholarly, non-class sources (scholarly = academic = peerreviewed journal articles or books; see below), and it must cite them properly. Note: commodities we have covered in class are not allowed for this assignment (wheat, corn, cotton, etc).

Check the attached file for grading rubric!!!!

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