Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ​Write genre analysis

Write your genre analysis in the format of a handout using a title, subheadings,

bullet points, brief content, and optional images.

  1. Begin with the rhetorical information: title, author’s name, date, source, genre, target audience, purpose.
  2. State your claim. (How effective is the text based on the DOCS analysis?)
  3. List all four elements of the DOCS model separately; identify 2-3 features for each element, include quoted and/or paraphrased text, and explain how these features connect to the text’s effectiveness or ineffectiveness.
  4. List the reference information, using MLA format.

Please see the attached file ( my analysis), Sample of how the genre analysis that I want , and this article to help you when you write the Analysis..

Article is : https://www.nationalgeographic.com/clean-water-acc…

Writing Homework Help

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