Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Short Tribute speech

The Tribute Speech Assignment, 3 minutes

speeches are addresses of praise or celebration. Commemorative speeches
pay tribute to a person, a group of people, an institution,
a place, an event, an object or an idea. The fundamental purpose of a commemorative speech is to inspire the audience; to heightentheir admiration for the person, institution, or idea being praised.This
type of speech should reflect the personality of the person, the tone
of the group, institution, idea or event being commemorated, and it
should consider the needs of the audience as well as the cultural
expectations of the speaking event.

it usually presents information about its subject, a commemorative
speech is different from an informative speech in that
it expresses feelings and arouses sentiment while the aim of the informative speech is to communicate information clearly and accurately.

Commemorative speeches depend above all on the creative and subtle use of language.
Some of the most memorable speeches in history are commemorative
addresses that we continue to find meaningful because of their eloquent
expression. There are two aspects of language use that are especially
important for commemorative speeches. The first aspect is to avoid using
clichés and trite statements. The second is to utilize stylistic
(see the handout on stylistic techniques)to enhance the imagery, rhythm, and creativity of your speech.To refresh your memory, here are a few examples however you know that there are many moreyou may choose to use.

Simile (an explicit comparison introduced with the word “like” or “as” between
things that are essentially different yet have something in common)

Metaphor (an implicit comparison, not introduced with the word “like” or “as,”
between two things that are essentially different yet have something in

Parallelism (the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences)

Repetition (reiteration of the same work or set of words atthe beginning or end of successive clauses or sentences)

Alliteration (repetition of the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words)

Antithesis (the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, usually in parallel structure)

Rhythm (the pattern of sound in a speech created by the choice and arrangement of words)

Appealing to the Senses (the physiological method used to perceive things around us)

Your assignment is to prepare a 35 minute commemorative speech paying tribute to a person, a group of people, an institution, an event, an object, or an idea. You may use visual aids to enhance your presentation however, it is not required. Be aware that your grade will depend on the structure of the speech, the language and style techniques used to help your audience feel inspired and the energy/enthusiasm/personality you bring to the presentation. You should have an intro, body, conclusion, transitions, your verbal and non-verbal “voice,” and language techniques and stylistic strategiesto demonstrate the knowledge you have acquired thus far in the semester.

this tribute speech assignment I would like the speech to be dedicated
to my graduating highschool class of 2021 as if I was giving the class
President speech at graduation. Some things to take into consideration: I
attend Yulee Highschool, I cheered for my freshman and sophomore year, I
was in beta, nhs, and sga. I was the Vice President for my sophomore
and junior year. Be creative. Thank you

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