Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Read and write.

As a class, we will attend the Great American Smokeout in the Curris Center:

The Murray State University Health & Wellness Peer Educators are hosting a “Great American Smokeout” event on November 16, 2017 from 9am – 3pm in the Curris Center Dance Lounge. This event will provide health education about statistics related to tobacco use in Kentucky and the consequences of tobacco use as well as provide health promotion for those individuals who wish to quit their tobacco use by providing Quit Kits, information about tobacco cessation classes in Calloway County, and other useful resources to assist them in reaching their goal.

You will interview at least one health educator and use at least two sources of statistics provided during the event to write a story about the Great American Smokeout. Ideally, we would find two or three people to interview, but in this case, we will have to take what we get.

Your story should have these elements:

* Lede

* Background

* Mixture of indirect and direct quotations, properly attributed

The story should be between 350 to 500 words.

You can say fake 2 names and ask them questions and answer the answers and do the indirect and direct quotations.

I will attached some files and information about the event

Story exercise rubric

Story exercise rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDeadline and professionalism

10.0 pts

Met deadline and submitted correctly with the required elements.

0.0 pts

Nothing turned in.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLede

10.0 pts

Lede summarizes the information and gets attention.

5.0 pts

Lede only partially summarizes information and grabs attention.

0.0 pts

No lede.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure

10.0 pts

Story follows proper news structure with a lede, quotes, details, etc. Most important info first.

5.0 pts

Story somewhat follows proper news structure with a lede, quotes, details, etc. Information is jumbled.

0.0 pts

Nothing submitted.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAttribution

10.0 pts

All attribution is correctly placed.

6.0 pts

Attribution is incorrect.

0.0 pts

No submission.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Writing Homework Help

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