Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. 5-page paper

Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (Planning)

● Building off the consumer segmentation efforts that we have discussed in class, explain in-depth the segmentation of the sports consumption audience including the pros and cons of each segment

● Identify your target market(s) and the rationale for choosing this segment using secondary market segmentation research (Targeting)

● Explain how you would position this effort (Positioning), particularly those who may be disaffected.

Marketing Mix

Product – What are you asking the fan to buy?

● Price – What is the cost to the fan?

● Place – How will you deliver your product/idea to fans?

● Promotion – How you will use the club’s owned assets and media partners to engage fans? Will you be using other ways to communicate to fans?

Situational Analysis

● Build a SWOT for the organization in relationship to the marketing challenge

● After you have completed your SWOT, think about the larger implications of your analysis.

○ What strengths can the client leverage to take advantage of opportunities or mitigate threats?

.doc file | Essay | 5 pages, Double spaced

Writing Homework Help

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