Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Write one page Appeal Process to the DEAN for passing grades.

Pleaser read my situation and look at the syllabus the start writing it. Please this is an important letter that I would like to send it to the dean so they can review the case so I do not have to retake the exam again.

Please write best arguments and quality work.

I have attached the syllabus file and the my grades in class for you so you can make good argument.

I have taking this course called Patient Assessment Laboratory and the professor did not let me pass the her glass because on the final exam I did not score a passing grade (69.45%) to pass her class. However, I am trying to appeal for passing grades in overall grades in class because the syllabus is very confusing and its not clear about the grades break down, and based on my grades in class I have an “A” grade in all of the quizzes/assignments, and 72.50% on the midterm but the final I got only 64%. However, the syllabus does not have grads break down clear which I because I was spending about 3 hours per week for the class materials such as quizzes and assignments, and other before the final I looked at my grades and I though I have enough points to pass the class even if I do poorly on the final that’s why I did not prioritize this class. During finals week while I was focusing on the other 6 classes which they were harder materials.

Writing Homework Help

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