Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Social Action Assignment

Social Action Assignment

4 pages. APA format.

(not updated assignment description) Students will participate in a minimum of 10 hours of policy activities outside the classroom. This policy action is intended to influence social policy by promoting social and/or economic justice. The student may develop materials to enable others to take action related to this social policy issue (for example, a fact sheet to distribute to policymakers, a petition, etc. but must also engage in direct action, for example, attend a relevant hearing or meeting, write a letter to the appropriate policymaker, etc., advocating for a specific position, policy, or change that will improve access to services and/or advance social and economic justice. In all instances, people who are/would be affected by the policy/issue must be consulted and contribute suggestions for how to make things better. All activities must address a single policy or an issue for which policy is needed or existing policy is inadequate.

Additionally, a summary must be included within the paper. The summary will describe the student’s activities, goals, or any progress made, additional work required to meet goals, contributions from consumers/service recipients/stakeholders and colleagues, how this work will influence the student’s self-perception as a social worker, how it will influence the student’s practice as a social worker, and how it has helped the student develop skills to continuously discover, appraise, and attend to changing locales, populations, scientific and technological developments, and emerging societal trends to provide relevant services. Finally, the summary should describe what, specifically, the students would like other social workers to do to help make needed change. If the student develops any materials, e.g., a statement to be read at a hearing or submitted as testimony, web pages, or other documents, these should be appended to the summary.

Modified assignment description will be attached as a file. Most of the requirements for this paper were crossed out (no longer need to be done). I will also be attaching the link that provides a video of the oversight hearing and its purpose along with my testimony. No plagiarism. Easy vocabulary. Also including an example paper.

link: https://legistar.council.nyc.gov/MeetingDetail.asp… (also in email attachment)

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