Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Sharmila – I need a research paper on the below topic

attached is the journal articles .. you need refer those.. i took Negotiation and Conflict Management in technology.

For this assignment each student will write an 5-7 page paper on a personal business conflict that he or she experienced in an organizational setting as an individual or within a group or team.


The submission must be formatted as double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font.

The organizational analysis will contain the following sections:-

Introduction of our main topic Negotiation and Conflict Management

Background and history that led to the conflict.

How/why did the conflict escalate?

How was the conflict resolved?

What would the student have done differently, based on what he or she has learned in the course-room?

Extra Instructions

Do not copy and paste from the internet this must be your own person conflict or one that occurred in a team you worked with in your past or present organization.

The paper must start with a 1-2 page Introduction on the main topic of Conflict Management.

Students must use research from at least 3-5 journal articles sourced from the CU Library

Students must submit by deadline. Late and emailed assignments will not be accepted for this assignment

Writing Homework Help

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