Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. 3 questions in communications class

  1. Describe a time in your life when you have engaged in selective exposure. Why did you
    do this? What were the positive outcomes of your selective exposure? The negative
  2. Hirokawa discovered that the evaluation of negative characteristics is the most crucial
    function for achieving an effective group decision. Explain three reasons why groups
    might skip this step, despite its importance.
  3. Some scholars have argued that a weakness of the functional perspective is its lack of
    attention to the relational aspects of group life. This is particularly problematic for
    groups whose purpose is, in large part, relational: groups of friends, families, religious
    groups, and so forth. Identify at least two functions that such social groups must fulfill.
    Compare and contrast these functions with those identified by Hirokawa and Gouran for
    decision-making groups.

Writing Homework Help

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