Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. The two essay question about China in contemporary World in Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revelation?

First Question Essay( 3 Pages) : You are having dinner with a group of friend in a restaurant. The conversation turns to the topic of modern China. One of your friend claims that it is futile to try to understand the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. The Chinese went crazy, and that’s that. Do you agree with this opinion? If ,so Please provide a supporting argument. Or do you think that, However difficult, it is still possible to explain the events by situating them in the context of mordern Chinese History? Confronted with the daunting challenges of modernizing China, did the Chinese often hold different ideas, approaches, and visions about what to do? Did Maoism represent one of these ideas and approaches?

Second Question Essay(3 Pages): In his book ,China in ten words, Yuhua, a renewed Chinese Writer , discusses contemporary China through his own personal experiences. he often uses his memory of cultural revolution to comment on various aspect of contemporary China, pointing out , in his opinion , the continues and changes of the two eras. in his book, Age of ambition ,Evan Osons presents the different views of government and democracy in the economic development of contemporary china. Based on his book , do you think that You is more likely to be sympathetic to Lin’s or Wu’s view? please use the assigned readings and other relevant course material to support your position.( Hint : please review Yu Hua ,pp 3-14,113-180 and Osnos ,Chapter 10.

Requirement: Please note that your task is not to evaluate or judge the different, often competing ,idea and models of modernizing China : In other words , you don’t need to rank them as good or bad. you ar simply expected to characterize and explain them. also your essay should be based on historical evidence drawn from the course materials but it is ok to cite from other materies. The total length of the two essay ( Double- spaced ,font size 12) must not exceed 6 pages. Each essay question require 3 pages.

Citation Example: Reminds:( Osnos,151). Lectures/ Discussions (Fan ,92) No require for citation pages just (author, pages)

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